Tuesday, June 30, 2015

face painting

 Heidi took the two of them out to Maple Grove to some kid thing on Tuesday mornings.

They had a great time.
 Summer was probably invented for people like this.   love you girls, MOM, aka Grandma

Sunday, June 28, 2015

tubing 6-27-15

 Kirsten went around and around the lake with this little girl.

I teased her, "Is there anything you would not do for this child?"

She snickered, "No."

 Okay here are Julia and p.j. when Kirby popped off the tube before they could get going.  The little one was so upset, I could hear her wailing, "Kirsten popped off!"  Julia was quick and wrapped her arms around her as Grandpa brought the boat around in a short circle.

And that's the end of that.

What a great weekend.

Love, MOM, aka GRANDMA

Thursday, June 25, 2015


love Grandma

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


 That's her.

Ten years of pure sunshine.

She was born in the middle of the night, after we'd spent the day at the beach.

 Yep, a July morning ten years ago:

See you soon, Girl  love, all of us

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

maternity leave

 These girls were here when I got home this morning.

 I wanted to take a picture of the sisters:

 The big sister took these pictures with my camera:

And yes, a one second long video.

You go ahead and enjoy that now.  For one second.

Happy Tuesday in June.  love, Val

my baby at camp

Julia went to camp for the week.

I was grateful for these photos--they show a kid who is happy, surrounded by friends, with lots of things to do--probably not feeling homesick.

 We will be happy to see her on Friday, and I mailed her a letter today, but wishing Sweet Jule nothing but fun.    See you soon, Sweetheart.  love Mom and Dad and Everybody

Sunday, June 21, 2015

a sunny evening

love you all, Val, aka MOM, aka GRANDMA