Tuesday, June 18, 2024

grad party

The graduation party was perfect.  There's the graduate.  Looking good, Mister.

We could have taken more pictures, but don't want to be that obnoxious person sticking a camera in everyone's face, so this is what we've got.

The food was good, the company easy, not too hot or too cold, just right.

It was a perfect night to celebrate our guy, and a nice send off to this happy summer and looking forward to college in the fall.


Nothing but love, Grandma

one lone soccer picture

It was a beautiful evening to watch a soccer game and sit in the shade with John.


The child hugged us, as he always does and thanked us for coming to the game.  He's polite.

Beautiful evening.  Love, GRANDMA

bored on a hot afternoon

Love, MOM

hanging with his aunts

It's a tough life.
Love, Grandma

storm clouds

Love, Val

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

forty five years of you

It's your birthday!

Go, John!

It's your birthday!


I hope it was a great day.

 Honestly, it is impossible to imagine me without you.  Forty-five years?

It's a milestone, and here's hoping the year ahead is fantastic, watching your family growing up and changing every day--hang on for that ride.  

Thanks for being ours.

Happy Birthday, with love for always, Mom and Dad 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

graduation: the next generation

There he is, the first grandchild to graduate high school!

Walking up to get his diploma

Tossing the hats


So much love, Grandma and Grandpa

weekend with maria

It was a quiet weekend, spent with one wild baby and his patient parents.

There are too many bugs in the field for his tender skin.  He was being chewed up right in the yard, but I walked back to the field with Elin and the wildflowers started blooming this week.

And then this!

We had this toy for many years, loved by all.  And then it disappeared.



That was a couple years ago, never seen again.

Until Maria bought another one, brand new, still in the box!

Ahhhh! What a delightful gift!!

What a great weekend, M.  Love, Mom


 Love, Val