Bright sunshine, 70 degrees, kids outside raking leaves with their dad. Julia's so self-sufficient these days she thinks she can use a key to unlock the garage all by herself. You go, Girl.
Last night we had Heidi's dog here being babysat while they were at birth classes again. Tim and the dog, Morgan, have a relationship of their own. When our dog, Sam, gets tired of playing with her, then there's always Tim.
Last night he had a big fleece blanket and he kept trying to throw it over her, while she kept laughing and avoiding, running around through the other door way, dodging him and going around again.
He said, "I'm going to get this over her and then hold down all four corners with dictionaries!" Oh, yeah. There's an idea. When she got tired, she threw herself down under the coffee table, so he threw the blanket over the coffee table and crawled underneath with her. That works too.
Here's a funny Tim story: A few years ago, we were driving on Bass Lake Road, a four lane road in the city that kind of winds through a park area. It was at this time of year, and in the dusk, several deer jumped across the road in front of the car. We didn't hit them, but I was sure startled. Then Tim piped up from his car seat, tragic voice, palm up:
"Oh NO! Santa has LOST the reindeer!"
Oh my gosh. Was I super glad then that we hadn't hit any. Oh wow. Can you even imagine?
All right, time to get back to work--happy Wednesday. love, Val
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