Sunday, May 19, 2024

the grouse whisperer

Found this beauty on the dining room table, a gift from Dan and Alicia.  I think this is a perfect spot for it.
This is her. She just goes to bed without us.
So this is the grouse, turned up Saturday morning. We sent a picture to Renee for help identifying what it was.

Once the yard was mowed we went to the nursery for flowers to plant in all the flower pots.

Nettles!! They were pulled and disposed of.

This bird followed Jay around all day, ate dandelions, pecked at bugs.  In the evening we went back to the field to mow around the swing set because kids will be up next weekend.  The bird followed us.

And then it followed us back again, skipping along in the brush beside the trail.
This morning, I thought there were voices in the kitchen, and there were!

It was these guys!

Elin was so happy her whole body wiggled and she fell over on the floor to be petted.

And then after their trailer was situated at the edge of the woods, we all packed up and headed home again.

Love, Grandma

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