Monday, March 24, 2025


Captured on the door cameras!

Who knew??

Love, Val

march monday

He had these little ducks quacking away.

I sent a picture to Aaron, "He said to the man running the stand,"   

He got the joke instantly.

And he found leftover leprechaun candy, smart kid.
The new Play doh toys from Elaine were a hit.

Ducks on an adventure:

Napping was pretty scarce, but we had a fun day.


Love you guys, Grandma

florida family

John's family took a  spring break trip to Florida, and Dannell's pics were a lot of fun.

Saturday they stopped by, was a fun surprise.

Love, Grandma aka MOM


Ice is out at my listing.

 And we found our Easter trinkets and put away the St. Patrick's Day.

The weekend was cold and drab, but we went to the second hand store, one I'd never been to before and found a little dresser, so then I moved this table across the room for the plants. They'd been on TV trays and I was sick of that mess.

Here's the little dresser.  On Sunday was all half price, so even better.
And the rug too--I'd been looking at rugs on Wayfair to put in the hallway, sick of the little rug that was always slipping around. But the rugs were like $100, and that seemed like a lot.  Not this one though!   Twenty five bucks at the second hand store.

Elin smelled it minutely.  A previous dog, no doubt.
Onward, March is almost over.

Love, Val

Monday, March 17, 2025

goofing around

This treasure is for Match Box Cars, found at the thrift store, should be fun.

 Love, Grandma aka MOM

indoor playground

A couple weeks ago we went to the indoor playground in Plymouth, always a good time.

Love, Grandma and Grandpa