Sunday, October 27, 2019

volleyball banquet

 Most improved player award:

Very nice season, Julia.

Love, Mom and Dad

Saturday, October 26, 2019

field trip

Julia and her cute friend, so much fun.

What a perfect day.

Love, MOM

Friday, October 25, 2019

grandparents day, 2019

It's Grandparents Day again at the school where Dannell teaches and this little girl is a student.  There were special songs and snacks and a fun program.  Jay cleared the calendar to go, but I had to work, which I was a little bummed about.

That's okay.  She loves having him to herself.   It was a great day.

 Beautiful Girl, we love you,

Love, Grandpa and Grandma

Thursday, October 24, 2019

happy birthday, kirsten

You are so loved.

Happy Birthday, Love Mom and Dad and Everybody

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

a couple more pictures

 It was so beautiful at the lake this weekend.

 And there was so much cuteness in the dining room on this rainy Tuesday.

Love, Val

Monday, October 21, 2019

oh my goodness, the end of the season

 All the leaves are changing around the sides of the house.

Cabin morning games--it's easy to dismiss games as a waste. But this particular game is so connected and sociable and about working about differences. It's quite a game. I listen and overhear. I like it.

 Oh sweet puppy.
 Awwww, again.

 p.j, you sweet raspberry girl.

Nothing but love,