This whole family is better with you in it.
Happy Birthday and love for always, Grandma and Grandpa and Everybody
All the long years we could not be together for occasions like this seems kind of long ago now, but we haven't forgotten it--will never take this for granted again, long afternoon in winter sunshine in their pretty house, the meal shared, the kids and the laughing.
Love you all, Grandma
There were a lot of projects, and they were all interesting and cool. They described their ideas, the process, the data, the conclusions on each one.
Really nice.
The gloves were a prize winner and actually are a cool invention that could help safety patrols/ crossing guards especially during the time of year when it is dark in the morning and late afternoon, although data reveals they're just as useful in full daylight.
This project was a surprise--whether dogs have color preference when receiving treats from a bowl.
The idea starting out was that dogs do not care.
Anyway, thanks for taking me around to see all the projects and see what you and your friends have been up to.
Nice job, you guys.
Love, Grandma
Perfectly ordinary snowfall.
I mean, it was fine they cancelled everything and prepared. It sure made those couple days much easier to manage overall, but hardly the storm of the century they had us anticipating.
It's fine.
The weekend is warm and melting and all is well. Love, Val
Whatever passes a long, boring afternoon in February.
Pictures loaded from the end to the beginning.
This is the end, first kid asleep, magic bathrobe at work.
We made beds on the couch and on the floor.
I heard they put milk in it.
There was diet coke and ice in it at one point.
Everyone slept in the end and it was a great night.
Love you kids, Grandma, aka MOM