Monday, July 29, 2024

happy birthday, alicia

Glad you took some cute pictures on vacation because so often there are no pictures of the grown ups.  

But these are very nice.


And only a few pics have been taken on the weekends too.

I've been lazy.
What a perfect July weekend it was.
Alicia, here's hoping the year ahead is all kinds of wonderful.

So many changes and new things happening, all good.

Thank you for all these years of friendship--for patience, for your kindness and for keeping a sense of humor and an appreciation of how much goodness surrounds us.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart

Love, Val and Jay

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

twenty years of you

Midnight gifts to celebrate the first minute of the birthday--

The cake-tastrophe:
Many ideas about what went wrong, but no conclusions.   

Confetti canon:

Cake time!

And that brings us to the end of a very nice evening.

Julia? These last twenty years have been nothing but a pleasure.

Thank you for all the happiness you've brought Dad and me, and this whole entire family.

We could not love you more.

Happy Birthday, Darling, love, Mom and Dad and everybody

Thursday, July 18, 2024

happy birthday, dalton

Happy Birthday to this lovely, sweet person.

Thank you, Dalton, for kindness and patience, for laughter, and saying, "Awww," in the right places.

Hoping the year ahead is absolutely wonderful.

Happy Birthday,   Love, Val, Jay and Everybody

Thursday, July 11, 2024

lilttle guy monday

 Love, Grandma

one more

And then a beautiful weekend came to an end.

Love you all, MOM aka Grandma, aka Val

another evening

 Love, Mom


 Love, Mom