Wednesday, December 5, 2018

into december

 Heidi and I had lunch with my mom on Monday. She cooked, so delicious.  There was a Facebook thing a while ago about your favorite place to eat.  I felt like it was a restaurant choice, but immediately I thought, "My Mom's!"

This Santa and his wife were very cute, though their singing was annoyingly loud.  I glanced over and saw what I thought was a rodent tucked between them. 


I asked p.j. if she had stuck a rodent in there?

She said, "It's Rudolph, not a RODENT."

 Okay, I defer.

These are from today where they played with the sink again.  There was a bathtub for the doll off to the side because there was some fighting about whether dishes or the baby should be in the sink.

 After while we made a fort, which the child calls a Camper.  It was tricky figuring out how to anchor the corners of the blanket.   I closed one end in the window, tied another corner to the banister using the legs of a Halloween costume as a rope. A big planter held down another part, and that precarious stack of VHS tapes held the other one up.

 Then she urged her grandpa to get in the Camper and go to sleep.  He cooperated but there wasn't much sleep happening in there.  They had his phone for a flashlight and lots of questions.


Love, Val

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