Wednesday, November 23, 2022

monday night basketball

We went to basketball Monday night.  They played some Christian team that had kids on it that were so tall and filled out, seemed much older than our guys.

Our guys didn't win, but they sure played hard.  It was a fast, intense game.

These two grandpas were happy to see each other in the bleachers, and that friend of the kids posed for me, up on the highest level.
Afterward we went back to their house to pick up a wreath from the fundraiser and the kids showed me how the dog, June, is crazy for their Thanksgiving hats. They're ridiculous turkey hats made out of construction paper, and they send the dog around the bend.

The light wasn't great, but June can be seen in a pounce position on the floor.

Here he's fending her off. What she'd do with the hat if she got it? Probably rip it to shreds. But why? It's not like it is an actual turkey.

Alicia sent me this picture later.  Something is happening here, though we are not sure what. It is a whole thing though.
What a great Monday evening.

Back to cleaning.   I'm cooled off now and ready to begin again.

Love you all, MOM

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