This lilac bush was planted about the same time and looks quite dead too at this point.
Hostas are sproutingTrees!
After all the rain, things are looking up. Love, Val
This lilac bush was planted about the same time and looks quite dead too at this point.
Hostas are sproutingAfter all the rain, things are looking up. Love, Val
He had a good time, climbed on the table over and over, which is tricky because half the fun is getting back down and the chairs are different heights and placements.
He puts up with us.
They did great.
We were so afraid a kid would go flying onto the floor, and then how do you get up and play after that??
Didn't happen, thankfully!
These pics are from the School Carnival we went to on Friday night. This recital and this carnival were severely under-photographed, but that's life. The carnival was packed with giddy kids and cheerful staff and families, very nice Friday night.
Cake walk! Donuts were won!Oh well. It's good to replant once in a while anyway.
And this tulip photo from 1992.
Love, MOMYou girls are something.
Love, Grandma
Dad showed up while we were in the backyard. Some special effect was put onto this photo by accident.
Wow, that's something.This baby is falling asleep.
Unnecessary! Stop that!
I love you all, Grandma
Twelve is starting out to be a great year!
Onward to Tuesday.
So much love, Val