Tuesday, June 25, 2024

monday night

So we're back at the lake on Monday night because the boat needs to go to the repair shop.

There was nothing happening on Sunday, but Monday John made a couple calls to a place he's used before, and we went back up to the lake to deal with that.

It was weird weather, storms coming in, windy with weird light.   Storms finally rolled in close to midnight.
When I came back from the bathroom, Elin had stolen my spot.


She's very afraid of storms.

So I went to the front porch and watched the lightening for a while.  The lightening was flashing all around, over and over like a light show, all around the cabin and over the lake, strange angles and bursts of light and color.  The thunder was far away, rumbling way in the distance, but I unplugged the computer anyway.

When I went back to bed, Elin slid right off with the leash and I hopped in.  Jay turned and saw what was happening and said, "That was the dog? I thought it was YOU."

"Really? Because I'm super hairy and smell like a dog?"

He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, "No, you do not."

And that brought us into Tuesday morning and a day of bright sunshine and 80 degrees. 

Love, MOM

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