Sunday, January 26, 2025

happy birthday, sweetheart

The party at the water park last weekend, we heard was the greatest.

And a PHONE!

You are added to our contacts!

Happy birthday, most beautiful girl, the ONLY grandchild we have with brown eyes.

This year of being ten will probably be the best ever.

Love you like crazy, Grandma and Grandpa

happy birthday

Today we took a boat down the coast to Playa Las Animas.


The guide had his child along, sweet kid.

And here we had lunch.
Little cat begging just like a dog. Even put paws up on Jay's leg. He liked meat, not chips, not cheese.


And then we made our way back again.

Happy Birthday, Jay

Here's hoping the year ahead is fantastic.

Love always, Val

We hear she's doing okay at home with her buddies.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

sunday lacrosse

Jay made it to lacrosse on Sunday while I was doing an open house.

They had a great time.

This indoor facility is pretty plush, pretty nice.
The net made it hard to get good pictures, but he got a few.

 And they have this nice clubhouse to hang out in too.
She likes it.
Love you kids, Grandpa and Grandma

you gotta be kidding

So my real estate office has been asking me for updated photos for almost a month. 



I've been avoiding.

Well, you know how the phone knows things, listens to you?   This thing about AI headshots showed up.

Yes, it did.

You send in ten pictures of yourself and they AI that shit.

I told the kids I didn't even have to put on a real bra.  

Yup, that easy.

A friend said how great this boat one looks.   It made me laugh.  Have never seen that boat, and haven't seen that body since my thirties.
Yay for AI, can't believe I'm saying that.

Love, Val

back to monday

We had a fun Monday.  He usually thinks of the play doh when its time to leave. This time I got it out early so he could enjoy it.  Our playdoh toys are dwindling,  and a few more went into the trask, think we should keep an eye out for some new things to add.
This fuzzy darling started rolling over this week.

Rolling over!

He's spent the last months tucked under Maria's chin mostly.  How did he figure out how to roll over?
One of these cars is something new the girls bought at Unique Thrift and then bedazzled. They were pleased, and we did not let these cars go flying down the stairway, knocking off all the jewels.

It was a holiday, and these guys know how to spend it.

A bunch of cousins went to an overnight at a water park for one of their birthdays. Dannell took them all and they had a blast, but were sooo tired.

Love, Grandma


School was closed, -17 this morning.   

But it warmed up to almost 20 degrees later and every week gets us that much closer to spring.

Love, MOM

Saturday, January 18, 2025

youth basketball

This was an intense game.
It was a lot of fun, made it to four games.

The teams have made progress from when they started, and the fans were enthusiastic.

They're all good sports. Even when things don't go great, they remain patient, players and coaches keep on doing their best.

So true, very much love, Grandma