Thursday, January 23, 2025

back to monday

We had a fun Monday.  He usually thinks of the play doh when its time to leave. This time I got it out early so he could enjoy it.  Our playdoh toys are dwindling,  and a few more went into the trask, think we should keep an eye out for some new things to add.
This fuzzy darling started rolling over this week.

Rolling over!

He's spent the last months tucked under Maria's chin mostly.  How did he figure out how to roll over?
One of these cars is something new the girls bought at Unique Thrift and then bedazzled. They were pleased, and we did not let these cars go flying down the stairway, knocking off all the jewels.

It was a holiday, and these guys know how to spend it.

A bunch of cousins went to an overnight at a water park for one of their birthdays. Dannell took them all and they had a blast, but were sooo tired.

Love, Grandma

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