Sunday, February 3, 2013

a pretty nice weekend

 Dan and Alicia's guys came to spend Saturday morning with us.  

 It was nice, very easy going.

And then this guy got tired and droopy, so I put him in the pouch and walked the swoopy baby-nap walk until he was asleep.  He had on that goofy winter hat--he modeled all the hats actually.   Most kids snatch them right off their heads, but he did not. 

He had on a pink argyle one for a while, and another one with a big blue flower.  Besides this little Nordic hat, he also was wearing a Halloween necklace, all purple bats.

And then in the evening, we went to a party at our friends' house.  He's retiring after many years of running a complicated business at the same time being very nice to people.

He's Lutheran clergy, and as such, you can't go shooting off your mouth, and the church can't go broke, and it's not as easy as it may look on Sunday morning.

Anyway, at the end of the evening I found him to say good-bye and hugged him tight.  The family room of his house was full of rowdy friends smoking cigars and laughing late in the evening.  I said, "You have so many good friends.  You are a lucky man."  He nodded deeply in agreement.  

Upstairs his cute wife was receiving complaints about the stench of the cigars.  I loved her response:  "It's his house and his party.  Let them enjoy. We can air out the house tomorrow."

Oh, Jody.

Yes, exactly.

And then today--Julia made a special necklace for her prayer partner as a Christmas gift, and finally they were both in church at the same time and she could give her the necklace she'd made--little wooden beads spelling out her name.

Julia sought her out  three pews ahead during the point in the service where we all share the peace.  It's just shaking hands with those seated nearby and saying, "Peace be with you."  (Tim yanks on my arm. Some people need more peace than other, apparently.)    Julia always runs to where her prayer partner is and hugs her during share the peace.

Julia gave her the package and then grabbed her around the neck in a tight hug, and this woman was obviously caught off guard, but pleased and returned the hug with a big smile on her face.

Then Jule came running back, and I'm glad for this lady that she has such a friendly prayer partner--not someone stand-offish and hard to know, and I'm glad for Julia that the lady appreciates her.

I kind of think they're made for each other.

And that is the end of that. It's no longer Sunday.  The world has turned a bit more, so now it's Monday.

Snow is softly falling in a beautiful pink world outside my window, night bright as day, sounds amplified like in a boat at the lake.

How does that happen when it snows?

Good night.  love, Val

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