Sunday, November 22, 2020

some people we were glad to see

They stopped by to drop off the wreath we bought from the fundraiser, and we were so happy to see them. We all stayed outside, and they ate Taco Bell in lawn chairs in winter coats.  

Elin heard the car doors and perked up, and when she saw the kids she was giddy delighted.  In the last year or so she's discovered she's crazy about kids.  Something about that one in the blue and orange coat sends her around the bend.  (I like him a lot too, true story.) We kept her on a leash so she didn't try to race around on her bum leg.

The kids were silly and sweet, and I was so happy to see them, hear their laughter and goofy stories.

We laughed so hard about the dented bumper and reminisced about our Thanksgiving trip to the indoor water park last year.

Here's the wreath, quite a beauty.  I have my Thanksgiving one up on the inside door, the one Maria made the fall after she graduated college, and I love that nutty turkey.

Here's the fancy new one  Last year we hung it on the inside door after Thanksgiving, and it baked between the two doors, turned brown and crispy. The sun was too hot, built up a little oven, even on cool days.  We figured out a way to hang it on the outside this year.
And that's the end of that.  This evening I was tired of missing people I love and made a couple phone calls. It's not the same, but still, feels good to be together in real time, even if it's only voice.


So much love, MOM, aka Grandma, aka Val


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