Wednesday, December 16, 2020

a feast

The socks arrived, and as I opened the package and tossed them out on the table, this is what I thought, "A feast."  Look how beautiful they are.  They are expensive, about $20 a pair, but they are everyone's favorite, and you can see why.

And this guy, bravely standing outside on brown grass.  On snow banks, he looks so fancy and bright. On grass, he just looks like he's standing by, holding up the Christmas season with his gigantic air arms.

This tree is getting too tall to string lights on.  Jay said we might have to plant a smaller pine so he has something to decorate in the future.  Or hire it.  They have trucks with bucket on an extension.  Nah.  Not going that far.
I bought these last year on clearance, and fun to see them now.
And that's the end of today.  This morning while I was driving, the whole world looked pearly pink, sky streaked baby blue, gray and carnation pink.   I arrived to a dog who is completely overjoyed to see me, and cute kids in pajamas, and the sun was shining, and we did dishes and watched cartoons and then I left early for a sudden real estate appointment.  (Thanks Kari and Julia)  And then came back home to work.   Soon I found myself interviewing people in my completely dark room, lit only by the space of my computer screen and a little desk lamp.  

December with the very short days and long darkness? 

Keeping those we love close in our hearts and hoping for the very best.

Love, Val

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