Sunday, October 24, 2021

happy birthday, kirsten

Dan heard Kirsten wanted a field bonfire for her birthday, so he made it happen.  The first bonfire in the field was due to storm damage and fallen trees.  The second was because the fire didn't actually burn up everything by the end of the night, so a second fire was had during last year's snow storm. That did finish off the pile, but there's plenty of old wood in the woods for another.

Kids hauled wood too.   They dragged some out with the van.

And then in the middle of the evening when it was getting cold, we headed back for cake and children's bedtime.

 Pandemic style! Blew out candles with her hands.
It was a lovely evening, lots of Chinese food from in town, the fire, the cake, laughter and fun.

We appreciate your sense of humor and spirit of adventure and are so lucky you're ours.

I hope this is a great year ahead.

Happy Birthday!

Love, Mom and Dad and Everybody

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