Tuesday, October 26, 2021

pumpkin patch

While the guys were taking out docks and pontoon boats and winterizing a couple cabins, we took the kids to the Burch Barn and had a good time.
It was warm in the sun and cold in the shade, a nearly perfect day for this.

They wanted to do this, but they're too little to reach the faces.  That's ok.

This corn pit was a huge hit with the littlest one.  She was in here a long time, tossing corn around, joining in with all the kids.
This thing is a slide on the back side, and one kid was a tiny bit too small to climb up there, so I sat on the bottom bale and boosted her up the levels.  She ran around and around so many times.

The trees and the sky, just gorgeous that day.
Here's the giant slide:

We didn't lose anyone in the corn maze, so that's good, and wandering in corn chatting with children is always entertaining, wacky, confusing conversations, but I loved it.

Love you all, Grandma

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