Monday, August 15, 2022

august weekend

It was a good weekend, a Sunday to Monday weekend for us.    We were to watch Dan and Alicia's kids on Monday, so he left them at the lake with us on Sunday night.

We created a plan to go to the Wilderness Walk in the morning, and Dannell and John figured out a plan for John to work from the cabin, and we would use his car, so then his youngest two kids could also go along.


This is some kind of game that kept them busy for a couple hours, and it is a good game in many ways--one being that any age can play and be competitive.  Also this was funny--Dan and Alicia's brother Ben measured the area carefully, exactly so many feet long and wide.

Well, it wasn't parallel to the cabin, and not to the shore either, so the kids were sure it wasn't right.  Nature isn't straight, and the cabin probably isn't aligned at 90 degree angles either. Ben had a piece of paper and tried to show them:  "Is this a rectangle?"  Yes.  He turned it a few degrees.  "Is this still a rectangle?"  Yes.   They still frowned and doubted him.

And we played a rousing game of Apples to Apples before bed.  I thought our game was too outdated, but we actually managed pretty well anyway.  So loud though. So much screaming.

Love, Grandma

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