Saturday, August 6, 2022

pet cemetery

These flower were blooming this weekend.  A couple years ago I cut a bunch and put in a vase and they wilted instantly.  Apparently this is not a thing you can do with these.  They're pretty in the ditch.

After the kids left we went into town in the rain and walked around to all the booths set up in the street, all the art vendors, jewelry, crafts.

Then we went to the car show. It was small, but the cars that were there were cool

Then after we made a stop at Poor Richard's. the antique store, Jay had the idea that he'd like to put plants on the graves of our dogs back in the field.

So we drove to the nursery our old neighbor, Dori, used to go to and he picked out some plants.

We took her along, thought she might like to run around in the field, smell things, dog out.

Nah. Not really.

Sidney's burial plot:
As soon as we had the plants and mulch out of her way she jumped into the back of the van.

So much for doing dog activities.

That's Sam's with the same plants on it as Sidney's.

And the plants on Sophie's spot are doing great.  We watered those too.

And that's the end of that.

Love, Val

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