Tuesday, February 4, 2014

where we break out in hives

Okay, so some time ago the first letter arrived informing us that the numbers from some form back in 2011 did not match the records of the IRS.  

We were not being personally audited.   The records were being.


So I called our sweet accountant, Gladys and asked told her about this.  She had some distant recollection about a quarter where there was a lower tax rate and we used a wrong form and submitted at the regular rate.


My hives were itching and all, being called, "Dear Taxpayer." 

Yeah.  I don't deny using an old form.

She requested documents, which I provided, and sent others.

So when this letter from the IRS appeared this week, Jay recoiled from it like poison, made me look at it in the middle of the night.  I asked if he'd read the letter.

He shrunk back, "No."

I was a little afraid, but not too much. We aren't running a shady business hiding income and falsifying records.   We run a legitimate operation where we claim our income and pay what we owe.

"The discrepancy has been resolved."

Good night.  love, Val

That's the whole story.


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