Saturday, April 7, 2018

another adult in the house

 Today was the birthday, and it was a very fine birthday, indeed.

 Some pictures from the past--easy to find. You've always been cute.

 Little peanut:
 This picture made me laugh.  I had a real estate commission just put in the bank, and you kids were all about spending it on this $2000 gorilla statue.


 In this picture, you're smiling so nicely, but there was another one where you were innocently smiling with your sisters with your eyes crossed.  It's often not easy to get a picture of all five daughters at once, but we have this one.


 Here's one from up at the lake.

 There's Heidi, wrangling YOU up at Green Lake, in the weeks before Tim was born:

And today--beautiful, funny, rascally YOU--Lydia Karina, our Lydia, our Kari:

Thank you for being ours. Thank you for all the happiness you've brought us.

We're excited to see what the future holds for you in this amazing, crazy life.

Lucky, lucky all of us.

Happy Birthday!

Love, Mom and Dad and Everybody

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