Saturday, April 14, 2018

saturday blizzard

 These are from last week when we went to Toddler Gym.  We didn't realize, but it's over until next October.   This was the last day.

 She didn't feel very good though, and at one point asked me to carry her. Then I thought maybe she was just hungry, so we bought some little cookies from the vending machine and sat on the bench outside the door. 

She spotted this weird bug, and was very concerned about it.

 We moved to a different bench.

Then later she was hot and feverish, and threw up in the car. 


This little girl was here on Friday--went with her dad to work on Thursday to avoid germs here at this house. 
 But we had fun, just her and me. We looked in all the rooms for kids.  We went downstairs and checked out Maria's guinea pigs, and then jumped on Tim's bed, then went upstairs to look in those rooms.

Not a kid in the whole house, just us.

We watched Nature Cat, and I can tell you right now cats have never played volleyball.  Their paws are too tiny! 

Also today, Elin ran off with two pair of scissors. That's just dumb. Dogs cannot use scissors!  They lack the proper thumbs for that.

 So we went shopping and bought a plant for a friends birthday and dropped it off, and stopped by  the tile store to ask about tile.  Then we came home. Those are her purchases next to her-- a potato scrubbing brush and Easter bubbles.  And big pink cookies.

 Okay, so this--this dog takes up too much room.

 Even though it's snowing a foot today, the sunflowers the child planted last weekend have sprouted so nicely!

 And that's the end of that. There's a meatloaf cooking in the oven and we are staying home.

So much love, Val

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