Thursday, August 12, 2021

look who came to visit

Julia is babysitting for Dan and Alicia's kids this summer, and she drove over to hang out for the day. That little one with the birthday had a bunch of new Barbies, so they had a good time.

That Barbie house was a gift from Santa to Heidi and Kirsten in 1989.  (That thing is heavy--imagine how those reindeer worked with that in the sleigh.)  When Heidi took it to her house Julia was so angry, even though she hadn't really played with it in some time.  Heidi promised when Julia has little girls, the Barbie house will make the rounds back to her.

They played some game all over the back yard that included in the story line: red pandas, goats and toads.

Julia and I didn't really follow the plot, but that's okay.

That little baby in the pink shirt can walk. She opts not to because she's such a stunningly fast crawler.  She flew over the scratchy grass, straight for the dirt under the swings.

At that point, I plucked her from the dirt she was enjoying because I can't stand babies in dirt, and popped her into the swing.

She puts up with me.  She likes me.   I like her quite a bit too, little stubborn, huggable doll baby.

Today she was after my hair and it hurt, but I thought I have that coming, all the times I've brushed her hair and put in pony tails she hated.

These two, deep in conversation about this game they're playing.

Many years ago the two were being babysat at my house, and as I went through the room, I overheard her on the toy phone calling for an ambulance because her cat had been hit by a car.

He was flat on the floor, quiet.

I whispered, "Are you the cat?"


Okay, good night. 

Tomorrow is Friday, best day of the week, and that is that.

Love, Val aka GRANDMA

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