Sunday, April 8, 2012

easter, 2012

Awww, here they are--all the kids plus one friend who slept over last night.

This is Dan and Alicia helping b.g. at the Easter egg hunt before church.

Here's p.j. in her fancy dress.  I found this at Baby Gap and gave it to her for her birthday.  Those are little Eiffel towers and so forth along the hem--too cute.

Here she's wearing it with her little John Deere pink camouflage jacket--mixing styles like that.

Air hockey, scene of some arguments.

My sweetie:

And his brother t.c.:
Here's a picture from the Easter egg hunt at my sister's house.  I don't think that baby is far off.

Oh, time for the pinata:

A couple guys on the trampoline:

There's m.c. taking a good crack at it.


These are the little Easter basket cupcakes my niece baked for my birthday.

That's the niece right there.   She's pretty sweet.

And that is the end of that.  It was a wonderful day, great food, easy going company, everything perfect.

Onward.  Thank you all for making this such a special birthday.  With love for always, Val

1 comment:

  1. they are all growing so fast including Dannell! I cannot believe I did not know you were does NOT seem possible. You will forever be 49 to me now! Love you so. xoxox
