Tuesday, September 18, 2012

a list of rules

Julia and Tim are both writing this year, nice surprise.   I have no idea when this happened exactly, but it did.

Anyway, today Julia wrote extensive lists (invented spelling included) of how to take care of  p.j. properly:

She did have to help translate some of this.  Mrot is is Julia's backward way of saying remote:  ma-rote.

Guzz is how she spelled glasses. There was an unfortunate incident where p.j. mangled my glasses last week.   They were fixed at the eye doctor, so it's all good.

Tonight when Heidi came to pick her up and she was in the high chair, cranky, and Heidi held up a bite of food to her and she did her annoyed little howl, we told Heidi, "Hei-DEE, you're breaking rules two and three!"

Here's the second list:

 Looking at this and noticing how all new spellers over use the letter z, it makes me wonder why we actually don't use z more.  It would make perfect sense.

Anyway, we spent this fine and lovely Tuesday with my mom, and sister, and niece.

And now it's bedtime.

love, Val

1 comment:

  1. I totally knew she meant "remote". Gotta love kids. Xoxox
