Monday, January 7, 2013

whipping ghost-es

 Yesterday my sweetie, l.c. told me he had a pet snake.     There's the snake in Lydia's hands below.

I laughed and said that was a great pet:  no poop, doesn't eat much.

Dannell said, "Yeah, except for when it choked him.  That's what we heard the other night, "My snake is choking me!" and he had it around his neck."

Oooh, bad. Not such a great pet then.   Choking a guy?

 (She's not mad at me--the other kids are wisecracking in the background.  Look at that scowl though, wow.)

THEN, l.c. waved the snake around real crazy-like and said,  "I need this snake to whip ghost-es!   Because ghost-es live in my closet!"

Oh my goodness.  A snake that choked him and whips ghost-es -- I  never could have guessed any of this.

Love you buddy, with my whole heart, Grandma

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