Sunday, March 24, 2013

come on spring

We went shopping for Easter dresses and as we were leaving the mall I noticed the little shop where they sell glittery, fun girl stuff, and also pierce ears.  I asked them if they wanted their ears pierced? They've been talking about it for months because of all the earrings Jody has given them.

I think it was dealt with better without a bunch of pre-planning.

Then in the evening, we watched this little girl and a couple of her cute cousins while their parents went out for dinner.

The babies were happy to see each other. Here she is putting on his shoes.

Oh, at lunch time on Friday we were near Heidi's work, so I called her to see if she wanted to meet us at McDonald's for lunch.

She did. Lunch was great.

Then it was time to leave, and p.j. realized her mom was going one way and the rest of us another, and she threw the most unholy fit I've ever seen. There was screaming and arching of the back, flowing tears and snot, and kicking.   Heidi said, "I'm making this worse, so I'm getting out of here."

This was a wise retreat, I think.

But the child continued to wail and even opened up the car door and attempted to exit the vehicle.

Kari climbed in the backseat and Tim to the front and she was able to coax p.j. into her lap for some calming.   In a few minutes she was able to be placed in the carseat without hysteria and the afternoon continued on.

Okay, epic fail.  It seemed innocent enough, but I told Heidi we are never meeting for lunch again.  It's far too traumatic for a little kid who doesn't understand.

Anyway, back to Friday evening and the little cousin-fest.

Cars movie and popcorn:

 Here are the Easter dresses.   Julia specifically loved this dress because it's stretchy knit.

"Because I'll need a stretchy dress for jumping on the trampoline at Pam's!"

(excited hyperventilating) They love going to Pam's SO MUCH.  They act like they won a free trip to Disney whenever we go over there.

Heidi and Kirsten and I laughed about the stretchy dress.   Maybe we should chose our dresses for stretchiness and ease of trampoline jumping.  It sure adds a different spin to the criteria.

And for the party at Pam and Paul's on Sunday, I bought a pinata just like this one below and we filled it with candy.

And then late today it became known to me that people were eating candy they found on the dining room table.   Okay, that's not right.  If it's rolled up in a bag, and not put out for your consumption, stay the hell out of it.

And THEN the subject of the pinata came up and there was enough foot-shuffling and shifty glances that I became worried about how much candy may have been pilfered from the pinata.   It had been tossed in an out of sight location in the stairway to the office, not hidden, but not like it was placed in a tempting spot.

I brought it to the kitchen and tried to see inside, but it was pretty clear the candy level was down.  I scolded a little because it gets tiresome having to go back to the store to do over things that were already done--like buying more candy.    Only Tim admitted to taking any candy out, and he said it was only two pieces.

"I couldn't get near it after that because of MARIA. She was like an armed guard."

(Thank you, Maria.)

So it's refilled and then I decided the best hiding place of all for it is IN THE TRUNK OF MY CAR.

That's where it is now.    If  anyone takes the keys and attempts to enter the trunk, I will hear the beeping and little sounds the car makes.  Plus it's hard to sneakily close a trunk.   And if I'm not home, no worries.

Well, maybe worries. They could drive to where I am and open the trunk and nobody would be around to hear.  But that's a long shot.  Maria's sure not going to drive them, and I don't see Little Jay doing it either.

This little dog went home tonight, and tomorrow is Monday.    love always, Mom

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