Friday, January 25, 2019

cold, cold, cold, but we don't care

 This morning when I drove to Heidi's the clouds were beautiful in the steely cold air.  The Mississippi River was completely obscured by huge, billowing clouds of steam.

This is from another day, these two scrappy sisters.

This morning the older one showed me a mark along her ribs where the little one had bit her last night.


It looked painful!

A short while later, the little one was sprawled on her belly on top of the child-sized table by the TV. The older one told me to get her off of there.  I said no, she's fine. She'll get down when she's ready.

She frowned at me like, are you kidding? She said, "I'll go get her."

I told her no. "I wouldn't mess with her. She might bite you again."

She jumped back on the couch and said, "Now I'm scared now!"

Oh my goodness.

And this little doll just keeps on getting better.

Onward.  This whole long, stressful, worrisome, freezing cold week is in the rear view mirror.

Moving on forward.

So much love,  Val

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