Tuesday, March 19, 2019

tuesday in early spring

The air was soft and cool today, the sunshine bright.

This little girl is working on her wiggling skills, gaining strength again.  She loves being here, kicking and looking at everything. When she gets tired, she closes her eyes.

 Okay, so I have hot flashes that are so hot.  I know when they're about to hit because there's a wave of nausea first, which passes, but then the heat. Oh my goodness. 


I often step to the door and stick my head out. This works great, feels like heaven, reminds me of when I used to seek cold air when I had morning sickness, fanning the freezer door in my face, or holding up the combustion air tubing while I ironed wrinkles and creases out of church clothes on Sunday morning.


Well, she wanted to come outside also, and so did their old dog who chased a tennis ball over the snow a dozen or more times.

 The other sister came outside too, wrapped in a couple blankets, clearly not having a hot flash of any kind.  She went back inside pretty fast.

 Today is Payton's eighth birthday, so we had cupcakes for fun late this evening when I was done working.
 At first she didn't understand why we were calling her to the kitchen, and when I patted the chair, she squinted and peered at me for a moment before she jumped up, but she's a cooperative dog.

 Happy Birthday, Honey. J'taime beaucoup.

 Oh, this.  When we were at my parents last Thursday, the kids played with this wild animal set.   The set had a tiger, giraffe, elephant and so forth. 

But the box!??
The drawing in the back? Those are domesticated animals.  Holsteins. Sheep.

What the heck?  I found it kind of hilarious.

Okay, time for bed.

Onward to spring, could be sixty degrees later this week.

So much love, Val

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