Wednesday, April 3, 2019

running with the werewolves

So today, we're in line at the McDonald's drive up, these two in the back.  The big one was singing away, big hearty voice:

"Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Brother John?
Brother John?
Running with the werewolves
Running with the werewolves
Ding, ding, dong
Ding, ding, dong."

The first time through, I thought I must have misunderstood, but by the fifth time, nope.
Instead of "Morning bells are ringing," it really was running with the werewolves.

Oh, kids.  This is why I love their crazy selves so much.

She also found a bag on the floor in the family room and it had two packages of bakery cookies in it, plus oatmeal and tortillas.

I had no idea what was going on with this bag or these cookies.  I told her we couldn't eat them until her mom came upstairs (she was working) to let us know the plan.

Well, she was on those cookies, could think about nothing else.   She sprawled out in front of the door down to Heidi's office and moaned, "Cooookkkiieees, Moooomm," over and over.

Finally I texted Heidi are the cookies for something? She losing her mind.

Eat the cookies.   Good grief.

And the little one thinks the fridge is a toy box. She's in there all day long asking for things, biting tangerine peels, taking more and more cheese strings which she inevitably gives to the dog.

No, Mimi. Get out of there.  Right now, out.

Finally it was a request for yogurt.

Okay, fine.

I put her in the high chair, stirred it all up, handed it to her and returned to the dishes.  A minute later I looked in the dining room, and she had both hands covered to the wrists in yogurt. 

Because that makes sense.

She said, "Hi."

Seriously, you two.

Anyway, it was a great day, running with the werewolves.

So much love to all my beloved little squirrels and a few big ones too, Love Grandma, aka MOM

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