Monday, April 8, 2019

who is nineteen??

Indeed, it's you!   You are!

 After we got home from the wedding, Dad and Maria made pizzas.

 And the family was there, except for James who had to work from 3-6 pm. 

So annoying, but people have to work.

 And this guy, we sang to him again too.

And that's the end of a lovely day.

Thank you for everything you bring to this family, for your kindness and patience, for your sense of humor--your way of noticing things that are absurd.   We appreciate how you include everyone and appreciate the unique things about the people you love.

You are delightful and look so much like my mother it kind of takes my breath away sometimes, like this photo.

Happy Birthday, Honey.

This whole family is better because you're in it.

We're lucky and we know it.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Everybody

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