Monday, February 21, 2022


We're on the brink of a major snowfall tomorrow. Today we nicked by, nothing. But everyone is braced for tomorrow.  Some parts north are predicted fourteen inches.  In Minneapolis they're talking seven inches.

This is going to snarl  traffic like nothing else can.

Last night, since today was Presidents Day and there was no school, we had a sleepover, and haven't had one in a very long time.  But with everyone vaccinated and cases down, we are making our way.

They ran wild.


They ate anything they wanted and played tablets, video games, hide and seek in every corner and every floor of the house. 

They were asked over and over not to scream and run in the house--I don't personally care all that much, but the dog gets overly interested and she's 125 pounds, not a small canine.  I don't want her to knock anyone over.

At one point she chased after them, but when she caught them wasn't sure what to even do, just sniffed them in the eyes and faces.


She also broke her fancy harness, catching it on a chair  while racing around.  A trip to the fabric store had it repaired for three dollars.

This video game involves much screaming and laughing, even though sitting one foot away from each other.  But they love this SO MUCH.  This is like their favorite thing.
The sweetest aunts did nails for their young squirrely nieces.  Gorgeous nails, embellishments and all.

This is the bedtime spot, air mattresses all blown up with that little D battery pump,  and blankets and pillows rounded up. They all decided to sleep here together and this is a heated floor so that's good.  The two brothers were the ones on the bed, and they are used to sleeping alone, and they're not small at this point anymore, so they had many complaints, but it was fine. Funny to hear who kicks and who pulls covers. 

(Pam. My sister. I always blamed her too.)

Barbies, even in a crowded Barbieland corner

I do have a couple rules.

#1.  No eating on upholstered furniture. Eat at the table.

#2.  No getting up in the morning if it is not yet light. If it is dark, night is not over.

You can see how Rule #1 was going.

Rule #2 this morning at 5:15 am, Lydia in the doorway of our room with two nieces, "Take them. Good night."

We went to Tim's old room where there is a bed and I got into it with them and mentioned Rule #2.  It's still dark and that's final.  Closed eyes and no wiggling.

We slept again for an hour or so.

It was a fun day, really.  So much fun to be together again, has them pining for weekends at the cabin, all those cousin days and nights.

Love you kids, Grandma


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