Friday, April 22, 2011

first communion

The first communions were at two different churches across town from each other, but we met up for one shared reception afterward.

Their lively suburban church had a reenactment of The Last Supper, and t.c. was so excited he yanked on Dannell and asked, "Is that JESUS!? How can he be up there and in my heart? I have a pain in my heart!" I guess m.c. whisper-yelled that those were ACTORS, not actually JESUS. When Dannell told us this I laughed so hard it hurt. Oh, he's hilarious, so literal, so serious.

At our church in the city it was the usual formal service, candle light, choir, a sermon about love. And trust.

At the party afterward things were predictable.

It was loud and there was a lot of food and kids cried when it was time to leave. One feisty squirrel rolled around on the floor in the shoe pile, and had to be helped to his cantankerous feet.

We don't know why. Crazy. Kids are crazy, that's why.

My kids used to do this at their grandparents too. Julia and Tim still do sometimes--like Wednesday when Jay arrived to pick them up from being babysat.

I guess Julia leaped out of the Jacuzzi and slammed the bathroom door and locked it because she and Tim were swimming and didn't want to leave.

I also understand there was even standing water on the window sill.

They don't know how that happened. (My mother snickered and shook her head. It's a mystery.)

Oh, this is good though: I know a grandma who had a kid in a bathing suit in her Jacuzzi and the little darling turned all the jets to point upward and then hit the switch.

Whoosh. Geyser and glory.

She said, "Yes, he came out of that bathtub by one arm. Right now."

The ceiling was dripping. Oh yeah. They're crazy.

Anyway, it's a dark and rainy FRIDAY, best day OF the week, and this is who we have sleeping on her grandpa's pillow.

I think it's time to boil some eggs and find that coloring kit. love, Val


  1. Yay! So much celebration in your home. I love it! Kiss all those smooshie baby cheeks for me.

    Have fun coloring eggs. My kids are passing on that activity yet again. Sigh... Kids with fussy noses. A mystery to me.

  2. so many parties and fun stuff I wish I could be there for! Love you so,
    R xoxo
