Friday, March 2, 2012

baby steps therapy, and wherever you go

Okay, the baby steps therapy--this intrigued me.

This morning on Anderson Cooper, which has turned out to be a surprisingly entertaining program, a counselor was talking about cognitive therapy for anxiety and OCD, and he referred to his method as, "baby steps therapy."

p.j. was bouncing around the room being her rambunctious, funny self and for a second I was puzzled by what he meant.  Baby steps therapy--that could be good.  Hanging around with cute babies could help anxiety, I suppose.

Duh.  No, that's not what he meant.  He meant baby steps as in changing behavior in tiny increments.


I think my idea could be useful too.

Later I told this to the kids and Tim wondered if baby steps therapy was like where people cuddle you and feed you crackers and milk.    Hmm.  That might make people feel better too.

Anyway, today we had a LOT of baby steps therapy, and we were all happy because of it.

John called and the first thing he said was, "Did you get any sleep?"

Me:  "Yeah."

John:  "Good. Yesterday you looked like shit and you were sooo crabby."

Wow.   Well, John. What do you  REALLY think?    It's okay.  It's true.

Here are pictures from today.

This afternoon, this guy came to visit for an hour or so.    He loved the monkey decorations in the bathroom, "Tick-a, Tick-a, Tick-a, Monkeys!  Monkeys!"

And they worked the baby cell phones:

See how wherever he goes, she's right behind him?

 Here he's had enough and rolled over on her.  She didn't even care.

And that's the end of Friday, and what a beautiful Friday it was.  I love baby steps therapy.  

love you kids,  Grandma, aka Mom

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