Tuesday, March 6, 2012

a blanky day

Every now and then I get in the mood for this.

It started this weekend, doggedly shopping for fabric.

Hmm. I should have taken the pictures against a plain background.  The bedspread isn't really working here.

I love this. The panel is pre-made. It was a little expensive, like $18, just for the panel, but gosh I couldn't do that--and for less than $20?  Never.

And this one--I climbed over the lego table and perched in the closet, looking at all the bins of scraps.  There are about five big totes of scraps--the scraps from other blankets sewn in the past.

I did this once before when Tim was a baby, and all I remembered was that it required 81 squares and it sewed up fast.  I don't care if the corners all meet exactly right or things end up a bit crooked. This is not precision work like the handmade bedspread underneath it.

This is to be dragged around and spit up on.

Anyway, I was pleased. It's a fine use of scraps and the kids were very interested in seeing this take shape, me chopping out squares in the kitchen and sewing the strips together.

They asked if they could choose fabric from the bins to create some blanky tops.


And while I was doing this?   There was a screaming incident that kind of hurt my throat.

While I was sewing in the dining room, out in the family room, suddenly lamps went flying!!  Lamps!!  My lamps!  Why do they always break my lamps?   AAAAGGGHHH!

Why do all my lamps gotta be bent and busted? You little jerks.

(Okay, that's how the rant started out.)

Tim was throwing couch pillows at Julia and she missed and it hit the lamps and I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Bullshit!  You do not EVER THROW THINGS IN THE HOUSE NO MATTER WHAT!"  Good LOR-ed.

The lamps?  They were unbroken and unbent.   We needed one new light bulb, but that was all.

Sigh.  What's wrong with me, 30 years into this, still raising my voice, lamps still airborne?

Obviously yelling hasn't done any good.

I missed the boat somewhere.

Onward to Wednesday, and a fine Tuesday it was, up until my lamps were in peril.

Tim?  Regardless of the lamps, I love you.   Just please do not break my lamps or trust Julia to catch anything near lamps.    love, Mom

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