Sunday, June 3, 2012

quiet and sunny

 It was both--quiet and sunny, and everything that's June.

 Football? Is that what's going on here?

We launched the paddle boat.  My mother bought this for us a few years ago and it has provided endless hours of entertainment for many, many kids, not just these guys.

There they go to cruise past the tooth fairy's house at the resort next door.  Can't hear them arguing and bitching at each other from here, and that's the good part. They have two pedalers and one steer-er.  Think they can do this peacefully?    We'll see.

Well, here they are coming back again, nobody angry.  Maybe they are growing up.

Here's a bright boat ride, those guys in the front.

Here's a tired dog. When she gets cold, she heads for the couch.

We even fit in a little school work.  At times this spring I've felt like we've accomplished nothing in homeschool this year--no ambition has been applied to it, so busy with life and work.

But then I realize that last fall my ONLY goal was that Tim become a reader.

He has.

Julia has too, which is only a bonus.

That pulls me back around to reality again and a better frame of mind.

Tim bought some water balloons from the dollar section at Target on Friday.  The quality is as you'd expect, but they sure tried.

Maria and I helped get them tied.

Maria's trying to finish up her work--last day of school is Wednesday, and next year she's a SENIOR.

Holy crap, that went fast.
S'mores out by the fire:
And a Sunday fishing trip here:

Okay, and do you see this?  Tim is eating a hot dog while holding a water balloon on the coffee table.

I'm going to refinish that table top this summer because it really does need it, but can we please not have WATER BALLOONS on the coffee table?


True. It doesn't matter.

What matters is the laughing, the sunshine, the marshmallows and love.

love, Val

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