Thursday, October 25, 2012

weird lamp!

Weird lamps are so much fun.   Today we were at the second hand store, looking for a shirt for Jay's Halloween costume.  (He's Guy Fietti.) 

And then Tim spotted this lamp.  It cost only a few dollars, but wow is it weird.  He cleaned up his whole desk and shelves to make room for it.

b.g. and p.j. were afraid of it.

It's a little weird, but not scary.

Anyway, this was a fine Thursday in the rain.

I had houses to show this morning, beautiful half million dollar houses in a hilly neighborhood not far from my parents'.   So I took the kids over to them to be watched.

When we drove down my parents street, the golden tops of the trees touched across the street, and the entire road and curbs were dusted completely golden with fallen leaves.  Snow was beginning to fall, and the tree branches were all dark, inky black in the rain.  We were driving into a river of gold.  I said, "Oh, pretty."

p.j. piped up from the backseat, "It's a good day."

She talks a lot now, though the consonants are mushy, we can understand her just fine.  And she's right. It was a very good day.

And the houses, and the client, so fun.  Her mom took in a rescue dog from us, and that connection brought the two of us into a friendship of almost thirty years.    Later she was my college adviser, and she quite honestly delights me.  The woman is so much fun, with such a big heart, and her daughter is accomplished and warm and funny.  Their conversations were frank mother-daughter honest, and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole appointment.

It was a great morning, and the perfectly presented houses, with their shiny floors, atrium windows, and the sweeping views of autumn and snow falling--it was so pretty it didn't even feel real.

So here we are at the end of a lovely, dark, rainy Thursday.   Tomorrow is the most grand, eagerly-awaited HALLOWEEN PARTY AT GRANDMA AND GRANDPA'S!!!!!

(cue giddy screaming)

We're heading to my parents tomorrow for this occasion.  Tomorrow I must get the little weenies and crescent dough, and a big, huge package of toilet paper for the Mummy Wrap Game.    Lydia and the kids did all the treat bags the other night while I was gone, and it's just too exciting.

Onward.    With love always, Valarie

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