Tuesday, January 21, 2014

tuesday game

 This afternoon we made it to James' basketball game. They won, and he played well, and it was great.

Before we left I asked him to please play good because if you don't, it's not very inspiring.

He stared at me.  Apparently being inspirational isn't one of his priorities.
They charge us to watch the game, which I think is a total rip-off.   First we payed more than a few bucks for him to participate, and its a public school, and it still cost almost $30 for the family to come watch the game. 

That's annoying.  But it was fun anyway.  I did feel inspired, James.

This little girl was back today, getting watched.  We were in bed this morning watching Cat in the Hat, and Nick and Sally and The Cat were chattering on and on, as they will do.  This was about panda bears.   They handed the panda a stalk of bamboo, and I said to the child, "Hmm. They're feeding the bear a stick."

She replied, "That's what pandas eat, sticks and leaves," like isn't that common knowledge?

How did she know that?

(click on any picture to see it larger)

I told Heidi it reminded me of when Little Jay was four and the teacher told me he knew every color, even ones like pink and gray, and all the shapes, even extra ones like diamond and oval.

"You must work with him a lot."

I was in college and had other babies and he and I had never had a single conversation about colors or shapes.  How did he know that?  

No idea.

It's just like how Tim can put together anything from a diagram.  I didn't teach him that. 

He had to specifically  work to memorize the days of the week and months of the year--first kid I ever had to specifically teach THAT to, but it's so weird.

How did he absorb nothing about how time is measured?  How did he know all the other things he knew instead?

It's all a big, fat mystery to me.

Anyway, we're heading back into the deep freeze again as we cruise toward the end of January, which puts us one month closer to spring.

love, Val

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