Sunday, May 10, 2015

happy mother's day

 We did have a good day, brunch at Heidi and Joe's.  Heidi's mother in law gifted her with a housecleaner, so someone came and cleaned.

Then Joe did neatening and so forth last night so it was all ready.  Maria and I weren't even needed at all.

 It's been a crazy couple weeks and I haven't seen these kids in about two weeks. I was so happy when it was today.

 That one, Tim's nephew--I snatched the bag of Ipads from his hands and said no Ipads until I have hugged you.  

He indulged me and we wrapped our arms around each other on the couch and talked about how summer is coming and also some fun sleepovers and the cabin.  I rubbed my nose in his hair.

And then they got started on the Minecraft.

 There was fruit and waffles, sausage and egg bake, a total feast.

 Here's my mom, beaming with Heidi's new baby in her arm.

 Him, he's just a funny character, full of sass.

 Here's the pile of teddy bears on p.j.'s bed.

 And the big, giant mylar balloon p.j. brought to her little sister in celebration.

It was involved in some kind of attack, but it survived.  That picture on the wall is a crewel kit my mother made for me when Heidi was born.

Now it's here in this bedroom.

 This child looks so much like t.c. did as a baby. She's kind of hilarious.

 And this sweetheart, has the fairest, tenderest skin.  She's long and tall, and talked to me today, vowel sounds and chirping that always get me right in the throat.

How can people--people who are this tiny, who can't even really use their hands yet--turn to the people around themselves in friendship?

I don't even know.

But see Dan there, with that young squirrel on his lap?

That squirrel is going to be one of the best friends his life will ever hold, as I have found him and his brothers and sisters to be in my life.

Thank you, Mom for the friendship you have always extended to me.

And thank you kids too for making me and my mom feel lucky, and appreciated, and loved.


love always, Val, aka MOM, aka GRANDMA

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