Wednesday, December 20, 2017

gym day and lunch at the great-grandparents

This has been such a beautiful thing since the weather got cold--just come over here and go nuts once a week.
 The first time we went, she was a little tiny baby who slept the whole time.  But now, nope.

She had to get up and be propped up in the stroller so she could see everything.

 Today there were so many kids crying and fussing at gym day.  Even that child wanted to zoom her sister around in the stroller, which I'm not a fan of because she goes too fast, runs into things and doesn't steer.  I'm afraid that little baby might get hurt.

Well, that ticked her off.  I noticed two other moms with four little kids, all four crying.  I told them I thought it was the barometric pressure with the winter storm coming in, makes everyone restless and  cross.   They thought that might very well be true.

 After this we went to my parents and had lunch with them, played play doh and puzzles, took turns holding the baby and had a great time.  I should have taken at least ONE picture, but I didn't think of it.
Here she's helping with the dusting. This is right before she used the feather duster to stir the dog's water.  Sigh.

The duster dried and the room was vacuumed.  We got it done. 

Onward.  We're cruising into Christmas.

Love always, Val aka GRANDMA

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