Sunday, July 22, 2018

flying kites today

 This was a blast.  Kirsten bought these kites and Shopko and away they went.  There was a breeze straight off the lake in this part of the yard.

We have tried a few times to fly kites in the field out back, but the trees surrounding create weird currents.  This had no weird currents, just a straight mild wind.

 In the pink shirt is Kirsten's childhood friend Kellie. She spent the weekend with us too, and it was easy-going and delightful. So much fun to be together.

 Maria and her Boss Baby niece:

 Once they were up, we were led by the kites across the road to the lake where there were fewer trees and no power lines to worry about.  The minion kite did get stuck in a tree at one point, but was saved by some miracle.

I thought it looked pretty hopeless, but with a bit of patience and coaxing it came loose again and flew to the end of its string.

 I went back to the cabin to get a couple more kites I knew we had, but they were badly tangled on top of the fridge in the front porch.  A couple baby life jackets were tangled up in that mess too.


I gave up and grabbed the new Superman kite in the front closet and brought that over.

Superman! To save the day!

Anyway, it was very fun.  So much love, MOM

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