Monday, September 2, 2019

labor day, 2019

It was a great weekend, not hot, not cold, breezy at times, perfect.

These stupid hoop sheds have been such a disappointment.  They did pull a new tarp over the top and and anchor it fine, but we'll see how long it lasts.  More money could be spent on better tarps/canvas, but so much money has already been thrown at these.

We'll see.

 I asked her, "Will you smile for me?"


 Splitting wood, old, five year old mess.

Julia brought a friend along, and she was such an incredibly generous guest.  She complained zero, was nothing but agreeable and kind.  We tried, but so did she.  When we dropped her off, I wanted to tell her mother what a thoughtful and polite person she raised, but the friend jumped out of the car, waved to us and ran inside.

 And this bunch of rowdies:
 The Lake Association has decided to drain the lake pretty vigorously this fall.  Spooner Lake is not an actual lake.  It's a flowage, appears as a lake due to a dam and so forth.  But in a few days, the draining of the lake will start, so all boats have to be taken out, and docks too as we go.

About the last boat ride of the summer, way too early, but going along with the plan.

 And this guy exiting the boat, stopped to smile for me.

 Oh, I hope you have a great first day tomorrow.  So much love.

 Maria showed up by surprise, bringing a huge pasta salad and very decadent bars.

 They eat, they watch TV.  I have no idea what has them this enraptured.  Probably Larva or The Office.   Kids love The Office.  How is that possible??

All done, Summer 2019.

Onward to Fall.

Nothing but love,   Val

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