Monday, December 28, 2009


the dual action light sabre!! thank you! grandma and grandpa!!

Tonight we and all our grown kids enjoyed dinner at a nearby restaurant--John and Dannell's Christmas gift to us. It was lovely.

It's a lumpy transition from Christmas into 2010... and yet our wonderful old friends will be here on New Year's Day to celebrate, same as every year. It's colder than hell, just like always. We'll flop into the New Year and get ourselves pointed forward again. We survived 2009! Woo Hoo, right? I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not entirely joking. We really do feel lucky, even as we scramble around desperately trying to wrap up the year

Tonight was very special. We had l.c. with us. He's at that age that's hard to leave with babysitters. He's mobile enough to be extremely dangerous, and too little to understand much about that. My daughter in law amused him while she ate--eating right handed, and she's a left handed person--by letting the child swirl his tiny fingers around in a wine glass half full of water. That amused him more than his own toys, my watch, or my car keys. We all passed him around and wrassled him, feisty elf. Beautiful elf.

Heidi held him up over her head backward to look at himself in the mirror above the table. She said the things we always say to babies in the mirror: "You see that guy? Do you like him? I do."

james and l.c. --his first christmas

When we arrived back at home, t.c. was wild to get in the bathtub with Julia and shampoo some Barbie dolls. Of course they used the most expensive salon shampoo on the ledge. Barbie is looking most gorgeous tonight. When they finally were dragged from the tub, t.c. told Tim, "Now you take your bath and we'll watch you!" Tim giggled, no thanks. No. No audience, but thank you. I'll take a bath tomorrow, actually. By myself. Alone. He's getting so grown up.

In that same spirit of goofy, discordant gratefulness and very much happiness, here are a few photos from the holiday. Best wishes to you in the new year. love always, Val

opening gifts

her snow globe ornament

a game of mancala

a lot of laughing, and most likely some terribly bad coughing

b.g.'s first christmas

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