Monday, January 4, 2010

normal enough, i guess

this picture has nothing to do with anything, but it's -5 today and i like looking at it. i found it yesterday while cleaning the office--nice surprise.

This is the note I sent to my friends on Saturday night. They assure me he's normal. He probably is. I mean, I think so too, but my goodness...

Okay, the kids play Zoo Tycoon and love it.

Last night we went to kiss Tim good night and he had the laptop in his bed, cuddled down in the sheets, playing zoo tycoon. We watched him for a minute and talked to him.

Then he said, "Oh, now I'm going to let all the polar bears go in with the lions."


He said he'd already let the tigers and kangaroos into each other's cages, "But they didn't fight."

I said, "You just want to see some violence?" He laughed.


He's not the least bit violent around here, not a hot head, no meanness in him...Or so I thought.

THEN he said, "I still have money for gates....I can gate the guests in with the animals."

At this point, Jay and I were staring at each other, mouths hanging open. We told him he was nuts. What kind of zoo IS this?? and said good night. He snickered.

When we tucked Julia and Lydia in bed upstairs, we mentioned this to them. Kari said, "Oh he DOES that. And then complains that he has a shitty zoo. Well, duh." Maria said he'll bring her the game and say, "Can you get me out of debt?" (He pronounces the B as well.) She usually can't do much to salvage his zoos financially or otherwise.

Well. I don't even know what to say. Is this normal? I mean, I hope it is, and I'm laughing, but I'm a tad bit shocked too. love, Val

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