Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the phone rings for you

Tonight I noticed a phone message out in the kitchen, near the old rotary phone, and I couldn’t really read it. I asked who wrote it and what it was. Little Jay said, “That’s a phone message for Dad. Sergeant Brask from the army called.”

I said, “Sergeant Brask? Called for Dad?”

“Well, yeah. They want guys for the army, I think.”

Okay, this is where Little Jay gets out there into la-la land. He’s 17. This is a military recruiter calling for him. Hello, Son.

“Me?” eyes wide. “I’m not going in the army!”

“Honey, Dad’s turning 50 in a couple weeks. The military is not recruiting him. Unless Sergeant Brask wants some plumbing done, I really think he called for you.”

Jay, totally dumbfounded look on his face: “Ohhh.” I know he was thinking Dad would be much more fierce and probably better with a gun and all that.

Yes, well. Big Jay says Little Jay is just like me, clueless, overlooks the obvious.

It may be true. I dunno. I really like the kid an awful lot. I find him good natured, affable even...and hard working and exceptionally organized, patient and bright, plus with good grooming. (snort) love, Val

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