Thursday, February 9, 2012

a guy what is smiling

Yes, he is!

And then he talked to me, all in vowels.  His eyes sparkled, and his chin tilted and he said hello.   Tears sprang right there and I felt ridiculous.  (But the little boy talked to me.)

This is one of those incredible baby things--they are so tiny they can't even use their hands or roll over yet, but they're able to reach out and make friends.    That's pretty miraculous.

And this girl is a sweet miracle too, which kind of sounds a little like monkey, which is in the ape family.  

At the dentist today she approached a little girl who must have been about ten years old and showed her things and talked to her. 

The girl was pleased and surprised, tucked her hand around her mother's arm. The mother pronounced the baby, "Sociable."  

Yep, that.  And also a monkey--but monkey who is so pretty it almost hurts.

There she is working both my computer AND the  TV remote at the same time.

Here they are doing thumb print art.  When we showed it to him, he rejected the whole idea, but then Alicia demonstrated with her own little thumbs, and Julia was doing it, so he joined in. 

Julia had to have fillings today and an infected tooth pulled at the dentist.  Ugh.  She's fairly brave, actually, took it better than I would have.

Okay, here's where this little new brother was asleep with his tiny mouth hanging open and I asked Kari to take a picture.   I'm so nice I growled, "Not of ME!  Of the BABY!"    (We do not need any picture of me in the kitchen at supper on a Thursday night.)

Here, this is what I wanted to remember forever, until I'm very, very old--this baby boy, my beautiful grandson asleep in my arms, milky and fuzzy.

Happy Thursday.  love, Val