Friday, November 22, 2013

excellence in son in laws

This picture was taken by Heidi's friend Ashley after they ran a half marathon. Can you imagine?  I'm still a little in awe.

Okay, so we're trapping mice in this old house.  It's fall and there's a big field behind the house, plus the kitchen has a dirt crawl space under it.

Mice.  It happens every year in November.

So I set traps last night.  I don't want them to suffer--just quick, boom, gone.

When I checked the traps, eeeeww, little limp tails could be seen.

I closed the cupboard doors and decided to think about this for a while.   One time I called Jay at work about mice dead in traps and he was rude.  He said, "Call Don Saba."   Our next door neighbor?  Who was also at work?

Then he said, "Well, I don't know!  Call the police!"

Thanks for nothing.  I went upstairs and woke Little Jay and he helped me.  I think one of us held the bag.

Well, while I was still thinking this morning,  Joe showed up to drop off p.j. so I asked him how he felt about dead mice.

A flicker of amusement crossed his face, "Where are they?"

"In the cupboards.  If you hate them as much as I do, don't worry about it.  I'll figure it out."

He replied something along the lines of not a fan exactly, but also not bothered much either.

In two seconds they were disposed of, voila.

Thank you Joseph.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

love forever, Val

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