Thursday, November 7, 2013

trying to make it through thursday

And as it has just passed midnight, yes we have.

When we got home I read her my old favorite, "Bedtime for Frances," and she loved it, even grabbed the story book to kiss Frances who was not going to sleep.

 p.j. introduced me to these children, "That's my grandmaw."  They laughed.

Julia gets so bored at home, so cooped up, so exhausted of it all, she wanted to go somewhere. Her ideas ranged from the library to my parents house to the Mall of damned America.

I told her it would be fine with me to just lie in bed for the whole day and play solitaire on the tablet and do nothing.

"We can do that every day!"

We can?

I want to get right on that.

Anyway, it was finally noon and we were all still in pajamas, kicking around in my bed eating Halloween candy and I thought we really do need to shape the hell up.

So we did. The pictures above are ones I took to send to Heidi of her child enjoying the fine library. She was much more civilized than the last time we were there. She looked at books nicely and didn't run off.  It was great.

These are a couple pictures from tonight.  Reluctant as I have been to enter any credit card information into that blessed tablet, I was comfortable buying a play store card for $25 bucks.  A stop loss on my losses, you know. We used to talk about calls and puts managing risk back in school.  I get the idea and this was helpful.  It's just scary what all they might inadvertently purchase on a credit card with those nice, high limits.

(Not even going there.)

Anyway, so this baseball cap was in the freezer.  It's from John's work. Why it's here, I have no idea and finding it the freezer was additionally baffling.

Well, he put it in there so it'd be nice and cold for those times when he is hot.  Then a guy can just get a freezing cold hat from the freezer and cool off.

And now, good night.  It's Friday and in the morning I'll drive out to Wisconsin and fetch Maria home. 

love, Val

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